Leadership Conference 2023

The Leadership Conference is an annual conference held in The Royal Albert Hall by the Alpha International. It’s “an opportunity for all of God’s people – across traditions, generations, and cultures – to gather as one, encounter Jesus, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We believe in the power of the gospel, through the global church, to change lives and transform the world.”. The Leadership Conference is a two day event where church leaders from around the globe gather in one place to hear about how God is using leaders throughout different ministries, whether that be within the church or in the secular workspace.

The Leadership Conference consisted of two days of talks, worship and panels throughout the Kensington area, however the main sermons were hosted within the Royal Albert Hall. The worship sets included sessions by HTB Worship,Volney Morgan and New Ye, Matt Mayer, The Porters Gate and Manor Collective

Photography By Darleen