The MatchGirls

The Matchgirls is a production about the women who made matches in the 1950s and what they went through. 2 weeks before the show, a friend called me up and asked if I could, help with this production. At the time I was wondering what have I let myself into however as the weeks went on I started to enjoy it. For 2 weekends before the show I watched the rehearsals to gain an idea of how I would like to light each scene. I would scribble notes down on the script however when it came to actually program it, I want mostly with the flow- referring to the notes very rarely.
The production was held at a building called the POSK which I had never been to before. I was concerned to start with, before I got there, about the lighting rig and what it might be like. Luckily there was 2 guys who looked after the venue who knew what they were talking about. The rig was very flexible and light all of the stage. The lighting desk was an ETC Element, a desk which I had never used before, however since I use the ETC Ion regularly I was able to pick up this desk fast. LEDs on the top of the rig allowed me to down-light the actors. Overall I got great feedback from the lighting and the person who hired me wants me again next year.
Below are some photos of the production.